From January 30th 2020 Retroavangarda Gallery in Jerozolimskie Business Park will be holding the individual exhibition of the newest typographic collages by Anna Kłos.
‘I have met Ania Kłos in the 90s at the European Academy of Art, she was a student at the graphic design faculty, which at the time I was leading together with prof. Julian Pałka. Anna was an exceptional student – she was demanding towards both herself and us, teachers. Today, Anna Kłos is a teacher herself, combining the job of academic lecturer and graphic designer. Apart from being a designer, she also manages to také time for her own independent art.
In 2007 she defended her phD thesis at the Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin. She teaches graphic design and History of Art – at first she taught at EAS, and since 2008 sje has been teaching at WSISIZ. In 2012 she received the Medal of National Education Committee. In 2017 she was in the jury of International Poster contest in Mexico, organized under UNESCO and a year later she was a juror at International Poster Biennale in Ecuador. She is a member of China International Design Educator Association (C-IDEA).
Her field of interests encompass not only poster art but also contemporary painting, graphics and art market. She is the founder and owner of Retroavangarda project, an initiative promoting artists from all over the world through the Internet and real life exhibitions. Retroavangarda fanpage is one of the leaders in the area of presenting international contemporary art and at the moment has over 100 thousand fans of Facebook.
As a part of Retroavangarda project, Anna has organized and curated many international exhibitions, i.e. Post-Ecuador Poster Biennal, International Collage Exhibition, Contemporary Peruvian Art exhibition and more. At first she organized the exhibitions in befriended renowned galleries. However, since 2018 Retroavangarda has acquired its own gallery space at Jerozolimskie Business Park, where currently collages of Anna Kłos are exhibited.
Typo-collages exhibition consists of a series of collages kept in the spirit of Kurt Schwitters, whom Kłos considers as her master and patron, and other prominent dadaists. As much as it is clear that the mood and style of original DaDa are close to the author’s heart, she is also capable as an artist of translating them into contemporary language. Thanks to this, the impact of these pieces enrooted in the past is not only stronger, but even more – it gains new timeliness.’
prof. Mieczysław Wasilewski, curator of the exhibition