The opening of second edition of Ecuador Poster Bienal, an International Poster Exhibition took place on 7th March at 6 PM. The exhibition presented pieces by 141 poster artists, among whome were world class representatives of this field of art
The list of participants whose posters were shown on the exhibition:
Agnieszka Popek-Banach, Agnieszka Ziemiszewska, Alejandro Rodríguez Fornés, Ali Bawteni, Alireza Azizi Behroz, Alireza Ravanipour, Amir Karimian, Andrea Davis, Andrea Szabó, Andrew Lewis, Andrzej Wieteszka, Anna Sobczyk, Annik Troxler, Antonio Mena, Artem Nikitin, Bartosz Mamak, Bloco Gráfico, Carlos Zamora, Chao Zhao, Coco Cerrella, Cristina Freres, Damian Klaczkiewicz, Damiano Fraccaro, Daniel Wiesmann, David Jimenez, David Voss, Dawid Czajkowski, Devansh Parikh, Diego Becas, Dmitry Rekin, Dominika Zaniewska, Dragana Nikolic, Eduardo Chumaceiro, Erendida Mancilla, Eric Boelts, Ertan Toy, Eugeniusz Skorwider, Ewa Ciupińska, Feng Zhongqiang, Fernando Parra, Frederik Sutter / Sebastian Schmitt, Gang Li, Gerwin Schmidt, Gholamreza Saffari, Gilles Dupuis, Gitte Kath, Götz Gramlich, Grzegorz Myćka, Hanchen Zhou, Hossein Esfandani, István Horkay, István Orosz, Ivan Weiss, Janny Ji, Javad Jazebi, Jennifer Frutos, Jiang Yinggui, Jiaqi Lin, Jin Wei, Joanna Tyborowska, José Alberto Hernández, Jovan Tarbuk, Juan Arturo Osorio, Kin-Hei Lau, Koorosh Karimi, Krystian Berlak, Krzysztof Iwański, Krzysztof Wieczorek, Laura Elena Gómez Castillo, Laurent Pinabel, Lenka Bollová, Leo Lin, Leszek Żebrowski, Linsendesign, Liu Yixi, Liwei Liu, Luis Veiga, Łukasz Ulatowski, Marcos Minini, Mariana Baldaia, Mario Fuentes, Mark Bohle, Mehdi Raygani, Meysam Hame Ei, Michael Braley, Miguel Angel Rangel, Mina Nasliyani, Murat Ertürk, Mykola Kovalenko, Natalia Kielmel, Natalia Volpe, Naufan Noordyanto, Natalia Levytska, Niklaus Troxler, Oleg Morović, Olivier Ploux, Omar Almohamad, Patrycja Longawa, Patryk Krygowski, Pekka Loiri, Peter Bankov, Peter Javorik, Pierre Jeanneau, Piotr Śliżewski, Przemysław Hajek, Qu Guixiang, Rafał Sieńkowski, Ralph Burkhardt, Ronald Curchod, Rui Huang, Ryszard Kaja, Samuel Čarnoký, Santiago Cárdenas, Santiago Solis, Scott Laserow, Sebastian Kubica, Sergio Grande, Sergio Olivotti, Sha Feng, Shaorong Wang, Siyu Mao, Slobodan Štetić, Sławomir Śląski, Sophie Mildner, Soudabeh Samanifar, Stefan Fähler, Steffen Knöll, T*I*N*A , Takaaki Fujimoto, Thomas Kühnen, Tomaso Marcolla, Vratislav Pecka, Wei Xu, Wei-Hsuan Lin, Wesam Mazhar Haddad, Wojciech Kołek, Xiaofeng Chen, Xing Lu, Yen Chu Chiang, Yuri Gulitov, Zafer Lehimler.
The main organizer of Ecuador Poster Bienal is Christopher Scott – the President of the organizing committee in Ecuador.
Organizers of the exhibition in Lublin: Retroavangarda, Centrum Spotkania Kultur and WIT- Szkoła Wyższa pod auspicjami PAN
Curator of the exhibition in Poland: Anna Kłos
The following letter from the EPB President Christopher Scott was read at the opening of the exhibition:
Firstly, I would like to say that I wish I was there to share this important moment with you all.
It is with immense pleasure as the President for the Ecuador Poster Bienal that we have the 2018 edition here in the beautiful country of Poland.
Since we finished the first edition on September 2016 we have been working so hard to make the 2nd edition of the Ecuador Poster Bienal even better; so it is extremely difficult for me to express how proud and honoured to have this exhibition here in Poland for the second occasion.
During the 2018 edition we receiving an astonishing 10044 posters from over 80 countries from all around the world. In which we had a wonderful international jury that had the extremely difficult task to select the best works. It was a great privilege for us to have included in our polish designers who where part of our international jury: Anna Kłos and Nikodem Pręgowski.
Only 500 posters were selected so I would like to say a huge congratulations to all the selected Polish designers that were selected and also a special mention to Lucas Ulatowski – Student from the WIT Szkoła Wyższa pod auspicjami PAN for receiving the Honorable Mention in the Category D: Posters by Students.
This exhibition has been organized in different cities in Ecuador such as Quito, Ibarra, Portoviejo and currently we are finalizing details on our international tour which will be showcased in countries such as Chile, United States, China and more. There is no better place to start our international tour than the beautiful city of Lublin in Poland.
This event could not have happened without the support of the Spotkania Kultur, WIT Szkoła Wyższa pod auspicjami PAN and Retroavangarda; we look forward to working closely with you all in the near future to build cultural connections between Ecuador and Poland. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart for making this dream a reality.
And finally I would like to give a huge special mention to Anna Kłos (Curator of the Ecuador Poster Bienal in Poland). You have no idea how much this means to me and the Ecuador Poster Bienal. You deserve much credit for making this amazing exhibition possible and you both make the countries of Ecuador and Poland very proud.
Viva el Cartel. Viva Ecuador. Viva Poland.
Christopher Scott
President of the Ecuador Poster Bienal
Centrum Spotkania Kultur, Lublin fot. Ignacy Matuszewski