Franco Fasulo was born in Agrigento – Italy- in 1963. After graduating high school, he took on collaboration as a draughtsman with public and private institutions in the field of archaeology.
At the end of 1980’s, the intense contact with the Classical antiquities induced him to carve through the roots of olive trees a series of sculptures inspired by Greek myths. These works have been exhibited at the SIAL Paris, Salon international de l'Alimentation (1994); at the Fortezza da Basso (1995) in Florence and will constitute the exhibition “Nel giardino di Zeus” (in Zeus’ garden), that took place several times in Sicily.
His pictorial turning point happened in the mid-1990’s: he took on a series of travels through the Mediterranean coastal countries and, moving later to the Atlantic coasts, he began to draw inspiration from port environments. His works were first proposed to the public with the solo exhibition “il Blu e la Ruggine” (the Blue and the Rust), curated by Aldo Gerbino, in Agrigento (2001) and then at the Permanente Palace in Milan (2002) in occasion of the “Premio Arte Mondadori” national competition, where his work “Esistenza Nomade” was awarded with second prize. Since then, his work has regularly been exhibited throughout Italy.
Remarkable were his solo exhibition in 2010 ‘Sicilia – forme | colori a sud” at the Sant’Antonio Cloister in Morbegno (Sondrio) and at the San Gerlando Auditorium – Fondazione Andrea Camilleri in Porto Empedocle (Agrigento); “Ossidi_Memorie” (2014) at the old church of San Pietro in Como, curated by Giusy Randazzo; “Finis Terrae” (2016) at the ‘Spazio B’ in Vigevano (Pavia); in the 2017 the solo exhibition “Conradiana – tra narrativa, poesia e pittura” at the Cultural Centre of Valenza (Alessandria) curated by Giuseppe Castelli, and the exhibition “Direzioni” in the bureau of Azimut Wealth Management in Torino.
He has participated in numerous art groups in Italy and in Europe.
Franco Fasulo moved to Lombardy in 2005, he currently lives and works in Sartirana Lomellina (Pavia), where, since 2009, he has been appointed Mayor for cultural subject.
His painting are part of important private collections and headquarters of the following institutions: Cassa nazionale del Notariato in Rome; Cassa provincial deli notai in Agrigento; Fondazione Credito Valtellinese; Comune di Sartirana Lomellina; Osservatorio Arte Contemporanea “Museum” of Bagheria (Palermo); Fondazione Camilleri in Porto Empedocle.
Italian writers, journalists and curators have written articles and texts dedicated to him.