Farzad Saeedi (QARA) | Born in 1991 in Ardabil,Iran | Graduate of B.A in Graphics | 5 years experiences in professional design since 2012| Secretary Graphic Art Forum of Nabi Akram (pbu) University in 2012-2014 | Holding individual and group exhibition in photography and graphic design in different countries and different cities of Iran.
Attendance in home and international art invitations from " America, Ecuador, Estonia, Germany,Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine and so on..."
Selected in various international poster festivals entitled ("SICAB 2015" | "#READ, COW 2015" | "SEGUNDA LLAMADA 2015" | "Posterland 2015" | "SKOPJE 2015" | "TIGDA 2015" | "To Death with a Smile 2015-2016.MUMEDI" | "ECO Poster 2015" | "Caravana Grafica Migrante 2016" | "Haapsalu Graafilise Disaini Festival 2016" | "Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián 2016" | "Bienal Internacional del Cartel en México 2016" | "Ecuador Poster Bienal 2016" | "Golden Bee Global Biennale 2016" | "The 8th United Designs 2016" | "TODOS SOMOS MIGRANTES 2016" | "Poster of Discontent III"