I am Alejandro Rivera-Plata, I'm Colombian, professional in graphic design of the National University of Colombia, specialist in design pedagogy and a master in design. I have more than 20 years ago worked as a graphic designer, after deriving in different fields of design, the most recent years I have dedicated myself to book design and poster design.
In parallel, I have been a university teacher for more than 12 years, I have been a teacher at several universities in the city of Bogotá, currently part of the teaching staff of the Unified Corporation for National Education, the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University and the University Corporation Taller 5.
Finally, I have been interested in research in and on design, the last 6 years I have dedicated myself to developing research that has focused on situated design processes, based on other designs, I go behind describing the peculiar ways of realization and expression of design from the conditions of everyday in Latin America, as a result of these investigations, I have published articles in indexed journals, book chapters, and shared my experience in various academic events throughout Latin America.