Ecuador Poster Bienal in Warsaw

The international poster exhibition Ecuador Poster Bienal in Warsaw, at the Olympic Centre, where Retroavangarda is one of the co-organizers, is coming to an end. The exhibition holds 162 posters by artists from all over the world chosen from 9620 works sent for the main competition.
The 1st International Poster Biennale organized in Ecuador by Christopher Scott and Santiago Gomez proved to be a great international success and we are proud that we could become a part of this great project and join the Ecuador Poster Bienal team.

The exhibition in Warsaw attracted a lot of attention, especially given that its presence overlapped with the “Museums’ Night”. The renowned Galeria -1 , which over the time has hosted many famous painters, turned out to be a great place to present so many posters – you can see for yourselves. Below we present a photo gallery of the exhibition and its opening. More exhibitions organized by Retroavangarda are coming after summer holidays, stay tuned!

The organizers of Post-Ecuador Poster Bienal exhibition in Warsaw are:

Galeria -1  Polskiego Komitetu Olimpijskiego
WIT – Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki Stosowanej i Zarządzania
Centrum Spotkania Kultur in Lublin
Galeria Korekta

Curators of the exhibition in Warsaw: Anna Kłos, Dariusz Mlącki

Media patronage:
Poster Poster
Poster Blog
Rene Wanner’s Poster Page
Art. Info

text by Anna Klos
translation by Karolina Klos

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